RELATIONSHIPS: The number for this area is 2. The colors are RED, PINK, AND WHITE. The element is EARTH. The location is SOUTH WEST or REAR RIGHT. This area of your home will enhance the relationships of the members of the home. If you would like to enhance your personal, romantic, business, or casual relationships, then optimizing this area will help to bring harmony and love to your relationships.
At the same time, many of my dear supportive friends began to arrive. It was a great experience for them as well because the nature of this show is to showcase the arts in many different ways and with many different artists. Before I knew it, my area was full and it felt like a party...
This is a fantastic showcase with Visual Artists, Actors, Dancers, Live Music, DJ, and closing out the night with a Fashion show! There will be an estimated 600-1000 attendees and tickets are available now...
This show attracts a lot of industry professionals and is a great way to network and meet new people in a fun and creative environment...
I was just commissioned for an interesting project. I am painting a bullet proof vest that will be used in a show in Los Angeles. The details of the show have not been revealed to me nor do I know very much about the person who is commissioning this, but I am excited to be the painter on this project as I have not had a commission like this before.